2017年2月20日 星期一

My first class 2/14

以下我會記錄下 這堂課我所學到的單字

1. [ˋɪrə͵tet] v.  刺激、激怒;引起腦怒  (irt 擦)
irritating habit 令人討厭的習慣

Soapy water can irritate the wound. 

annoy 、provoke、foment => 刺激 激怒 使惱怒
hostility [hɑsˋtɪlətɪ] n. 敵意
appease vt 平息;緩和 => calm , subside 

2. mentality n.智力,精神性 (ment = mind 表示思考神智)

I can't  understand the mentality of those who abuse animals.

psychology 心理學 、psychologist 心理學家 psychological[͵saɪkəˋlɑdʒɪk!] 心理學的;心理學家的
tutor n.家庭教師  remind v. 提醒 +of ; mention v. n. 提及 ex. don't mention it 
moron n.腦殘,低能 
mentor n. 心靈導師 、demented 精神錯亂狀態的adj;瘋狂的= delirious 、
consultant 顧問[kənˋsʌltənt]、counselor [ˋkaʊns!ɚ]  advisor 、 academic 學術的adj

人 go (負面) Crazy mental nuts bananas 瘋的憤怒的
人 come (正面) 

3. offend 冒犯 v.  ( fend, fens=strike 表示打擊)

The president did not seem to be offended by the criticism. 

first offender[əˋfɛndɚ]  初犯 persistent 持續的(在這裡用累犯) serious (重犯) juvenile[ˋdʒuvən!] 年的
delinquency 少年犯罪  Who commits(v. 犯) the crime 罪. 
suicide n.自殺 homicide n. 他殺 insecticide n殺蟲劑 patricide [ˋpætrɪ͵saɪd]殺父罪 matricide [ˋmetrə͵saɪd] 殺母罪 patron n[ˋpetrən] 主顧
patriot [ˋpetrɪət]愛國者

take maternity(paternity) leave 產假(陪產假)

Who commits the crime.           v. 犯            醉
suicide  n. 自殺   homicide 他殺  insecticide  n. 殺蟲劑  patricide 殺父罪  patron n.顧客 
matricide 殺母罪  patriot 愛國者

4. perceive v. [pɚˋsiv] 感知 意識到 (cap, capt, cept, ceive, cip, cup=take, hold, seize 表示拿,抓,握住)
deceive v 欺騙 {deceived cheated framed } receive 收到 accept 收到  conceive 想出 

Some woman tend to perceive arranged marriage by their parents to be a right choice. 

5. pessimistic adj 悲觀的  

pessimism 主義。 pessimistic <=> optimistic樂觀的,passive <=> active,negative <=>

6.phobia n. 恐懼[ˋfobɪə]

His fear of crowds eventually developed into a phobia. 他對群眾的害怕最後演變成一種恐懼症

hydro  (acro-字首:最高點) xeno- phobia  acrobat 雜技演員

7. relieved  adj. 減輕(痛苦) (lev, live = raise, lighten 表示提高,舉起變輕)
                    injection  注射劑  elevate 提升 anxiety 焦慮 stress 壓力 traffic congestion 交通阻塞

Pamela was relieved when she learned her fiance was released by the bank robber.

8. soothe v. 安慰 減輕
alleviate [əˋlivɪ͵et]減輕 jam[dʒæm]

The waiter tried to soothe the angry customer
服務生 奉上免費飲料,希望能讓憤怒的顧客平靜下來。

aversion 厭惡 spread 伸展 symptoms 症狀

9. stun v [stʌn]驚呼 把……打昏,使昏迷

It was stunned that he had left without us. 

10. superior adj 優於[səˋpɪrɪɚ]  inferior <to> 劣於
                    supervisor 主管  subordinate 下屬

He only helps us because that makes him feel superior

path= feeling, suffering, illness 表示"感情,痛苦,病"
11. sympathy [ˋsɪmpəθɪ] n.  同情心

The terrorists' 恐怖份子[ˋtɛrərɪst]  acts of killing the hostages 人質[ˋhɑstɪdʒ] led to widespread [ˋwaɪd͵sprɛd]sympathy for the victims.

sympathy n同理心 => compassion  同情 empathy 同理心 apathy n 冷漠 <=>apathetic 冷漠的
antipathy n. [ænˋtɪpəθɪ]反感  unsympathetic [͵ʌnsɪmpəˋθɛtɪk] 冷漠的 = indifferent 不感興趣的;不關心的 = callous [ˋkæləs]  無感覺的;麻木不仁的

12. tension n. (緊張 對立  tend, tent, tens = stretch 表示 伸展)
attention n. 注意 intention n. 目的 intentionally = on purpose 故意的  pretend 假裝
pretentious [prɪˋtɛnʃəs] 自負的

There was silent tension as everyone waited for his reaction.

13. torment n 痛苦;苦惱 v 使痛苦,折磨;煩擾[(+with)]     ( tort = twist 表示扭曲)

torture v. 折磨 torch 火炬 extort v. 強奪 
He was arrested and accused of charged with extortion. 他因為敲詐勒索罪被拘捕和控告  

14. vulnerable adj 脆弱的 (week) 易受影響的  

fragile 易碎 ,susceptible <to> 

Vulnerable adults and young children get colds easily 


